Sicily: plain chocolate at the heart of Orange

Published on 2014-09-09

  • Sicily: plain chocolate at the heart of Orange

Dark chocolate: 140 gr.
Butter : 110 gr
Tablespoons cream: 3

Tablespoon of flour: 1
Tablespoon cornstarch 1
Brown Sugar: 50 gr
Eggs : 2
Cointreau teaspoon : 1
Spoon liquid cream: 1
candied orange peels: 10 gr.
Peel of 1 orange
Enjoy it !
Orange heart
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler with cream and Cointreau;
Add the orange peel and finely chopped candied peel in melted chocolate;
Realize hemispheres of ganache with the help of a mold silicone;
Keep them in a cool hour before use.
Softness dark chocolate:
Prepare the softness stirring the eggs with the sugar, beat them until the mixture is white and fluffy;
Add flour and cornstarch and continue to beat (compound);
Melt the chocolate, butter and cream in a double boiler (compound b);

Stir the mixture in the compound b until dough is smooth and homogeneous to let it sit in the fridge for about an hour.
In the oven:
Preheat oven to 220 ° C;
Preheat oven to 220 ° C;
Use of the molds (4) of silicone, or butter and flour with baking paper coated other types of molds and fill them with the mixture;
Arrange for a cookie cutter in the center, pressing lightly, using a heart of orange 2 hemispheres;
Bake for 6-7 minutes.

The suggestions of the chef:
1. always sieve very well the flour to avoid lumps and verify the quality and state of preservation (if there are small parasites, etc.);
2.Using the molds of silicone facilitates the final step of cooking and is 'more' easy removal after cooking;
3.Wait that have cooled before removing.


From Comment

I feel satfeiisd after reading that one.

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